Bone health is important BECAUSE FRACTURING A HIP CAN BE LIFE ALTERING! And maintaining healthy bones before your risk of fracture increases (later in life) is vital.

More important than these sobering stats, however, is the fact that developing osteoporosis and suffering a disabling hip fracture is not inevitable.  Contrary to popular opinion it is not a normal part of aging. 

In fact, there is much we can do with our daily choices to positively impact our bone strength and minimize our risk of fracture.

Who’s at risk?

Well, basically everyone but most especially:

  • Women over 60 & men over 70

  • If you’ve broken a bone after the age of 50 

  • If you’re underweight

  • If you had/have a parent with a hip fracture

  • If you’ve lost more than 1.5 inches of height

  • If you are dealing with auto-immune &/or inflammatory issues

  • If you require medications that compromise bone health (Steroids, anti-seizure medications, certain diuretics, antidepressants, etc)

  • If you have hormonal imbalances

  • If you have a history of disordered eating (anorexia, bulimia, severe restriction of calories)

What can we do?

Being proactive with one’s health is always beneficial, especially so with bone health.  It basically comes down to minimizing the negatives and incorporating the positives.  I’m sure everyone would be able to produce a pretty standard list of the “negatives” and the “positives”.  

Negatives to minimize would be – junk food, empty calories, lack of movement, muscle loss, stress, aging 😊

Positives to incorporate – nutrient-dense food, calcium, weight-bearing exercise, supplements

In my opinion that’s a pretty short & inadequate list. Other things that impact bone health that should be considered…

  • What about the effect of certain medications or common metabolic imbalances that can sabotage bone strength? 

  • How do you address underlying health issues that compromise bone health? 

  • Are you getting enough calcium..or too much?  What’s the best kind?  What else is necessary for quality bone food? 

  • Do you know that by adopting an anti-inflammatory food plan you not only improve the odds with your bone health but can also positively affect your blood pressure, lower your cholesterol, normalize your blood glucose levels, regulate hormones, and decrease joint and muscle pain? 

There are a lot of things to evaluate.

Would you like support and direction while transitioning to an anti-inflammatory food plan?  Or learn what not to waste your time or money on when it comes to bone health supplements? Or get the low-down on all the different types of movement that multitask to develop muscle & bone as well as improve heart health and mood?

Basically, would you like help to…

figure out your unique plan to building strong bones, minimize the risk of fracture and improve your health overall in the process?

Then consider the Bone Builder Master Class happening in a few weeks.  This 6 session online course is designed for those who are ready to ask the questions, find the answers and get serious about their bone building.

Remember,  Its never too early and its never too late.
