5 Ways to Grow a Better Brain

5 Ways to Grow a Better Brain

Brain health – protecting it, nurturing it and repairing it – is big news lately and for good reason.  We once thought that when nerves were injured, that was it, a permanent loss.  The good news now is that as the concepts  of neuroplasticity and neurogenesis are becoming better understood, we can appreciate the fact that the nervous system is capable of regeneration in quite amazing ways. If you’re ready to grow a better brain, here are 5 ways to enhance your neuroplasticity.   (continued)


The Basics of Cultivating Health


The Basics of Cultivating Health

The “basics” of cultivating health are very foundational and as such are often times pretty routine and not very sexy.  Yet, until the “basics” have been addressed its much more challenging to identify the underlying causes of symptoms.  Chances are that many of the basics are recommendations that you might have grown up with and maybe even achieved until life got a little too hectic or complex and what started as a temporary detour turned into a major roadtrip to an unhealthy destination.  There’s good news though.  There is a way back… 


What To Look For In A Quality Fish Oil Supplement


What To Look For In A Quality Fish Oil Supplement

Okay, you’ve done your research and have decided that it really would be a good idea to add a fish oil supplement to your daily health routine.  Armed with the knowledge of how important the fish oils can be to support your brain & heart health, lower systemic inflammation and a myriad of other benefits, you walk into your local health food store and are assaulted by the choices and options…. 


Lab Tests To Measure Health


Lab Tests To Measure Health

What if there were a set of blood tests that could give you a heads-up on potential health issues?  Wouldn’t it be helpful to have a way to gauge whether your health plan is working for you or not?  How about focusing on acquiring health instead of avoiding illness?  Progressive health care practitioners are helping clients reach their health potentials with the help of some simple, relatively inexpensive tests to predict who’s at risk of unhealthy aging. 


Avoid These Mistakes When Doing The Elimination/Provocation Diet


Avoid These Mistakes When Doing The Elimination/Provocation Diet

I frequently hear from many of my clients that “I tried the elimination diet and it didn’t help me at all…” or “I’m still confused about what foods might be bothering me even after 3 months on the elimination diet.”  And while there are some situations where identifying food reactions may not be part of the solution, I frequently find that the elimination diet, when done correctly can reveal a lot of useful information. 


Which Is It...Food Allergy, Sensitivity, Intolerance Or Reaction?


Which Is It...Food Allergy, Sensitivity, Intolerance Or Reaction?

Known food reactions of all kinds affect at least 5-10% of the population.   I suspect that the actually number is much higher for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the lack of clarity about the meaning of the terms to describe the different types of food reactions.  In this blog I’d like to clear up the confusion around the meaning of these different terms.   


Digestive Wellness


Digestive Wellness

No matter what food plan you tend to follow, there are some basic steps to help support the body’s innate wisdom as it relates to the digestive process. By incorporating these steps into your daily routine with every meal you will enhance your digestion and elimination at every level.


Start Here For A Better Night's Sleep


Start Here For A Better Night's Sleep

By now, it’s pretty common knowledge that the quantity and quality of sleep is a critical ingredient in one’s recipe for health.  What isn’t so commonly understood is that there are some basic steps that we can all take to support a good night’s sleep.  While some people may need to address additional issues like hormonal or nervous system imbalances, everybody can benefit from following good sleep hygiene practices. 
