To minimize side effects and optimize immune response to the Covid-19 vaccine, it’s important to start with the basics:

  1. Get plenty of rest, eat well, hydrate, and support regular bowel function prior to and following the vaccination.

  2. Eat clean for several days before and after getting the vaccine.  Avoid pro-inflammatory foods like sugar, processed foods, alcohol, and factory-farmed protein.   In the days leading up to getting the shot, plan on getting as many anti-oxidant foods in as possible.  Those are all the deeply colorful veggies and fruits – remember to focus mostly on the veggie and berry options to pack the biggest punch.   You’ll find a handy list of those foods & more suggestions here.


3. Minimize stress as much as possible, practice mindfulness or other stress reduction techniques, and plan to schedule extra down time to recover.

4. Avoid heavy exercise the day of getting the shot and don’t return to intense exercise until you’re feeling back to your baseline.  Your mitochondria are really busy dealing with the immune response to the vaccine so don’t distract them from doing that job because they’re having to deal with muscle recovery.

In addition, the following natural remedies may be useful to consider if they’re not already in your kitbag:

  • For individuals prone to high levels of inflammation, consider adding fish oil and anti-inflammatory herbs such as turmeric, boswellia and ginger

  • Daily Vitamin D3 dose of at least 5000 IU

  • Boost antioxidants such as vitamin C and Zinc

  • Consider natural anti-histamines such as Quercetin, Nettles, or DAO enzyme, especially for those prone to allergies

  • Probiotics have been shown to increase the immune response to vaccines (and an imbalanced microbiome i.e. gut dysbiosis has been linked with more severe COVID infection)

    • For those with no history of gut dysfunction or symptoms, a Lactobacillus and Bifidus combo is a good choice.  The more species diversity, the better.

    • For those with history of constipation and unresolved GI problems, a spore-based probiotic is a better choice

    • If you deal with loose stools, diarrhea or candidiasis, then choose a Saccharomyces boulardii probiotic

  • Homeopathic Arnica topical gel for arm soreness

  • Epsom salt soaks to support lymphatic system

  • Phosphatidyl serine and phosphatidyl choline can support the liver and protect the brain and nervous system

  • For those with MTHFR genomic variants and impaired methylation, inflammation levels may be elevated, lets talk about the possible need of providing extra support  with methylated B vitamins, magnesium, and methyl donors such as SAMe or TMG

  • If you’ve been dealing with health issues related to toxicity or sluggish liver function (ie constipation and digestive complaints of gas, bloating, known toxic exposures, etc) then in addition to focusing on improving regularity you may also want to add liposomal glutathione, a master anti-oxidant and critical compound for successful liver detoxification

Its worth mentioning what NOT to do before and after getting the vaccine:

  1. Stop all OTC anti-inflammatory medications (ie ibuprofen, aspirin, etc.) for at least 2 days before getting the vaccine – they will suppress your body’s immune response

  2. Plan on the possibility of feeling “under the weather” for a couple of days.  Free up your schedule, create some down time and chill.  Avoid medicating yourself if you have a slight fever or muscle aches/pains.  All of the post-vaccine reactions are evidence of your immune system “doing its thing” which you don’t want to suppress by medicating it away.  If you use the turmeric/curcumin products, which are natural anti-inflammatories that support the immune response as opposed to interfering with it, chances are that you’ll have less intense symptoms.

  3. Do not get the vaccine if you are actively sick or fighting another infection.  If you have had an active Covid infection recently, it is recommended that you wait at least 6 weeks (some say 3 months) before getting the vaccine.
