(updated 05/01/2023) 

While not gone, many folks are looking at Covid in their rear view mirror.  The decreasing number of cases in the country in general and here on the island locally, combined with the less virulent nature of the current variant(s) have led us to consider making some changes.  Several weeks ago we decided to do away with the whole “text when you arrive” business.  So now you can simply come into the office when you arrive for your appointment.  This has been well-received by all of us.

Covid, unfortunately, is here to stay but gratefully, it is a shadow of its earlier manifestation.  We have been careful and responsible through the last 36+ months of the pandemic and feel that we can comfortably update our guidelines and protocols accordingly.  If you have any concerns we hope you feel free to reach out to us for further exploration.


You will continue to communicate directly with the doctors (rather than calling the main office line) for appointment scheduling and any clinically related matters.

Dr. Gosselin’s clients call: 978-325-1087
Dr. Vinson’s clients call: 978-325-6171

If you don’t text, you can leave a voicemail message at the appropriate number above and we will return your call.  Please do not email regarding scheduling.

An additional request from Dr. Gosselin:

Please use the information below to help you determine the best way to get additional information to Dr. Gosselin:

Lab results, Xray or MRI reports or any other medical information can be delivered by:

  • Snail mail

  • Dropped through mail slot of office’s front door (not a good idea if its been raining)

  • Email to in pdf format – This is my #1 choice 😊

  • Do not send as texts, screenshots or photos as our systems do not have the capacity to integrate your material successfully.

For clients receiving appointment reminders, you do not need to respond to them…they are for your convenience alone.   If you need to make any scheduling changes, call or text 978-325-1087.

Thanks in advance for your attention to this detail. 


no masks required…

As of May 1st, 2023,  we will no longer request that you wear a mask during your office visit, nor will doctors or staff be required to wear masks.

Please keep in mind that this is a very fluid situation…if we feel that mask-wearing is again beneficial (ie flu season) you will be notified.  Of course, if you prefer to wear a mask while in the office, for any reason, we invite you to do so.  And your doctor will wear a mask if you request that as well.

We do continue to ask that if you feel sick or know that you have been around others who are sick that you let us know so we can reschedule your appointment.  If you’re not sure of your circumstances, we’re happy to discuss it with you.

Be assured that we will continue to wipe down treatment tables in between appointments and will continue to follow basic hygiene practices.  Both doctors’ schedules will continue to be offset so that the number of people in the waiting area is kept to a minimum.

For non-clinically related communication, please call the main office number at 978-281-4977