
Dr. Gosselin has been in the health care field for over thirty years. 

Her experience spans diverse settings from working in Intensive Care Unit settings in major world-renown metropolitan hospitals to Community Health Nursing in Boston’s inner city to becoming a licensed Chiropractor and President of Harbor Health Group. 

During her Chiropractic education, Dr. Gosselin was first introduced to the principles and philosophy of Functional Medicine as developed by Jeffrey Bland, PhD and a group of pioneering thought leaders that eventually became the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM).  Dr. Gosselin started her formal education with IFM in 1999 and became an Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner in 2014.  She continues to work with the Institute serving as a Clinical Facilitator at the Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice programs.  

Forever the perpetual student, Dr Gosselin continues to learn and advance her understanding of physical medicine, functional nutrition and stress resilience by attending advanced trainings and conferences on a regular basis.  In addition to partnering with clients to help them achieve their health goals, Dr. Gosselin is an avid permaculture gardener/farmer and a pretty good sailor.  Her community networking includes having served on the boards of the North Shore Aids Health Project and Sandy Bay Yacht Club as well as volunteering with the Backyard Growers program in Gloucester. 

To learn more about her journey to Functional Medicine, read My Journey.


Professional Education

Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, 2014

Doctorate of Chiropractic from Northwestern College of Chiropractic

Baccalaureate in Nursing from Northeastern University

Diplomate in Nursing from Peter Bent Brigham, School of Nursing


Want to know what tools Dr. Gosselin utilizes to diagnose and treat her clients?